Food 360 Program Goals
Project Mission & Goals
Food 360 is a project of FamilyCook Productions in partnership with Dekalb Market and the NYC Workforce Development Corporation. The mission of Food 360 is to provide farm-to-table job training for NYC youth who have yet to find a job or a career path.
The Goals for the training program are to:
Experience hands-on training in 360 degrees of food systems
from growing, to harvesting, to composting, to cooking, to processing food products, to selling these products at as a company representative or in a retail market.
Learn about the many career paths
that an interest in the world of food can lead to and meet successful and start up operators on these paths to learn about different business models.
Identify an area of career interest
from the above to focus on in an internship and apprenticeship.
Practice what you are learning by teaching
workshops for the general public, including cooking and nutrition education for diverse groups of people.
Transform your own personal relationship to food
by learning to support your well being through cooking healthful and delicious food using fresh ingredients.
Become inspired by entrepreneurship
as well as corporate job opportunities to identify the beginning of a desired career path and goals that can even include going back to school.
Secure a permanent job placement
that is an excellent ‘fit’ and marks the beginning of a career path with a plan for the future.
Interested in applying to this program?