Evidence-Based Teaching Kitchen Services

FamilyCook New TKC Member

Teaching Kitchen programming is becoming an essential piece to maintaining successful healthcare results for patients with chronic diseases. Teaching Kitchen Collaborative is a key resource for best practices and research in this space.

As a proud member of the Teaching Kitchen Collaborative, FamilyCook uniquely offers:

  • Evidence-Based Teaching Kitchen Curriculum
    • across the life cycle (Pre-K through adult)
    • fully scalable and adaptable to serve your population
  • Curriculum & Program Assessment
    • based on 20+ years of program expertise
    • developed from successes across the US
    • built from our evidence-based Framework for 10 Experiential Drivers of Behavior Changes (identified and verified through ongoing research since 2016)
  • Teaching Kitchen Curriculum Design
    • custom-crafted for your unique program needs
    • infused with our 10 Experiential Drivers
    • embedded with measures for behavior change

Need help with your own Teaching Kitchen?

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Success Stories

Curriculum Collaboration with Boston Medical Center

FamilyCook was delighted to launch a collaboration with Teaching Kitchen Collaborative members Tracey Burg and her Boston Medical Center Teaching Kitchen team last fall. Through Tracey, BMC licensed FamilyCook’s Teen Battle Chef curriculum and taught the program to local high school youth who participate in Boston Public Health Commission’s health career learning internships. These students began their multi-cultural cooking ‘battles’ ( tv-like cooking demonstrations) as teams in the BMC kitchen. In this way they spiced up their culinary skills and palates while they experienced what running a teaching kitchen as a career in nutrition and cooking might look like!

The Teen Battle Chef curriculum design really challenged the students on multiple levels and kept us, as instructors, on our toes as well. The kids developed impressive command of preparing and seasoning a wide range of dishes, and confidence to create their own recipe concepts. Their “Final Battle” presentation which they designed surprised us at how much the program has positively impacted their own food choices! We are excited for spring to use our roof garden produce’ in our TBC recipes!”

Tracey Burg, BMC Teaching Kitchen Director
For more info contact Tracey.Burg@bmc.org


Curriculum Analysis for Barilla USA

When FamilyCook presented our research at TKC first Research Day in February 2018, we were excited to share our Teaching Kitchen program outcomes including ‘sustained effect’ research as well as our 10 Experiential Drivers of Behavior Change. After the conference, in a follow up call with TKC member Barilla’s Anna Rosales, it was agreed that Barilla would share their latest in-house teaching kitchen curricula for analysis by FamilyCook using our ‘drivers of behavior change’ best practice lens. FamilyCook’s report recommended areas to enhance the curriculum’s efficacy based on Barilla’s stated goals. The entire process took about 3 weeks and FCP provided very thorough and detailed recommendations. These suggestions were subsequently discussed with FamilyCook and the Barilla teaching kitchen team to maximize utilization of FCP’s most relevant recommendations.

According to Barilla’s Anna Rosales:

Having this analysis of our curriculum provided valuable and informative feedback – it broadened our perspective about what it takes to motivate participants to make changes about cooking more often. Some of FamilyCook’s recommendations are very aligned with our current focus for this year, so I can see a path to enhancing both our Teaching Kitchen program and overall company goals through these recommendations. We really appreciated your insights and depth of experience to help us shape a more effective program”


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