Practice savvy seasonal shopping & save money

Practice savvy seasonal shopping & save money
When we were wading through reams of material to share in our book, we knew that tips on shopping smart would be essential. It took us a long time figure out cost effective strategies for our own families and translate them into steps for our educational programs!
Everyone wants the highest quality food for the best price!
We have shared our secrets and strategies on how to prioritize where to shop and what quality to look for among different food categories (dairy, meat, fish, produce etc.). Of course when it comes to produce, shopping by season is key and trying to shop local and support local agriculture brings many benefits.
Still, some people argue that fruits and vegetables are very expensive and even unaffordable. But we have found that cooking at home with fresh ingredients, adding more plant-based proteins result in VERY affordable meals.
So we were thrilled with the release of this new report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The report demonstrates that buying fresh produce can be even more economical than packaged and fast foods! It supports the shopping strategies we laid out in our book. Check out the study and learn more!